BC Seniors Living Association
Since 2008, the BC Seniors Living Association has a valuable source for member development, education, and growth. BCSLA is working to develop and improve independent and assisted living communities throughout British Columbia. All of our partners participate in the cornerstones of our association.
Our Deep History
BC Retirement Communities Association was formed in 2003 by a group of owners and operators of independent living retirement communities who felt the private pay segment of senior living was not being represented. The Association was registered by ten founding companies who networked with other industry partners to grow the association. As the association developed and our members expanded to include Assisted Living services, there was a need to re-brand the association to encompass all aspects of the services our members provided.
The BCSLA Mission & Vision
We promote member self-regulation rather than government intervention through programs such as the BCSLA Seal of Approval. We provide networking opportunities, webinars, conferences, and other events that work to strengthen each member and the association as a whole. Through the cornerstones of our association, we actively Advocate, Educate, Mediate, and Celebrate retirement communities and their residents in British Columbia:
We identify and promote the interests of the membership with external stakeholders in seniors living and government.
We inform the public, governments, consumers, and other valued stakeholders about the role of seniors living communities and the benefits that they have to offer.
We identify challenges and opportunities faced by our members and seek solutions by bringing together appropriate collaborators.
We collect and disseminate real-life stories and successes that demonstrate that seniors living within our communities remain vital and active members of society.
Directors & Management
The directors and management team at BCSLA is comprised of professionals in the industry that have years of experience working with senior living communities, associations, and the government. Our team works to bolster the strength of the association and provide members with a resource to develop and grow their communities. See who is leading our association.